Saturday, July 19, 2008

. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot...anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you


Melynda said...

Alright...There are so many to choose from, but one that makes me laugh every time is the time you put the hat over the phone to quiet the ring. That one's classic. I also love to think about our "Love lift us up where we belong" performance. We killed em'! And, as if possible, we have perfected the number over the years. And you can't mention that song without saying something about "The wind beneath my wings." Love ya!!!

Kash said...

Wow.. I'm shocked no one has left this memory of you, my special mother. Perhaps because it is far too graphic. lol Oh well... that's what I'm here for. I'll keep descriptive words to a minimum.

Ok.. You, me, Min, and Kody decided to go to lunch at Super Wok. (That's where this story should end.. I'm gonna keep going). So we were driving back home and your forehead started to sweat and you got unusually quiet. We finally pulled into the white house and you darted into the house leaving behind well... you know what happend. Anyway... I was scarred for life and I beleive we weren't allowed to go back to Super Wok for a couple of years. Ohh man that was hilarious!!!! I just can't get that image out of my head. I don't think any of us can. I feel the worse for Caddy. Wow.. talk about getting the bad end of the deal. haha!!! love you!

Danneel said...

There are so many even to choose from - being picked up after school and at lunch - aerobics class - western dance class on Thursday nights in the old EAC cafeteria.

I have always been blessed to be considered part of your family!

Cori` said...

Alright my memory is one where we become close and I mean close. Well it was about a year and a half ago June 14, 2007 to be exact and I was in labor with our sweet Taiz. You had to hold my leg up during labor because I had absolutely no feeling in it at all and had no idea when it went tumbling off the bed. Also you kin-a got to see are sweet little Taizlee’s head well you know we wont go into details no one wants to hear exactly what when on you guys thought you were going to be the one’s to have to deliver her because she was right there. Let’s just say there really are no secrets with us anymore you have seen all of me and I mean all of me. Thanks for being there though you held my leg us nicely and I look forward to experiencing this with you again in a few weeks hopefully. Well love ya and thanks for everything especially all you do for my baby girl.

Brittnie Roit said...

Hey you! I randomly found your blog. I haven't seen you guys in forever! I hope you all are doing well! I would love to see what Kody is up to, if you can have him add us.. :0) So I guess I have to think of something I remember... Well, I think Kody, Brooke, and I were about 4 or so and watching you and my mom go to town on aerobics at the college to the song.... "Here she comes now sayin, Mony, Mony." That's the first one that popped into my mind! Ha ha! :0) Its good to see you guys. I hope you don't mind me adding you!

summers clan said...


Kelsie said...

You need to post something new so we can keep up. luv u kels

Jaree said...

hey i saw your guys blog on brittnies. I can't believe how big everyone is. you will have to see my blog. Kacee just turned 2. And all the stories that i can remember! what good times!